Monday, February 27, 2012

Here is more information on the first week of our conversation. Please come along to the Church Centre this Wednesday, 29th of February, and/or join us on this blog over the following days.

Week 1 - 'Be selfish with God' Psalm 139
Before we get on to our collective responses to God we are going to start by focusing on our individual relationship with him  At the heart of the evening will be a listening exercise in which each person will respond to one or both of these questions.
1- Recall a time when you have been most excited about your relationship with God or  When you have been most aware of him at work in your life?
What happened, who was involved, how did it feel, what did you do, what happened as a result?
2- What is your deepest wish, your aspiration, for your relationship with God?
What would you like him to do, how would you like to be responding to him, what would you hope might happen, or you might do, as a result?
If you are not able to come on Wednesday why not reflect on these questions on your own. When the results of peoples reflections are posted on the blog you'll then be in a position to add your own thoughts!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Thank you very much to everybody for filling in the questionnaire. Your reflection on the past few years and your vision for our churches has been very interesting and promises to lead to an exciting conversation about our new vision statement.

This week we will start this conversation in our Lent Course. The sessions have been devised by Simon, Gordon, Anna & Paul and each week will involve worship, talks, discussion , conversation and prayer.

'Appreciative Enquiry' is at the heart of 'Vision 2012'. So we  begin by discovering and celebrating the best of what is , where we see God's life now, before dreaming what it would be like if there was more of that happening in the future. They are the first two steps, 'Discover' & 'Dream', and these will be the focus of  our Lent course,. Having put into words of God's vision for us, in the months after Easter, each part of our church community  will be invited to design ways of helping that Vision become a reality in their work. From there, with God, we will then work together to make that vision a reality. So 4 steps in all, Discover, Dream, Design, Deliver

If you can, please join us for our first Lent Course evening, this Wednesday, 29th of February, 7.45 for 8pm, at the Church Centre. The topic is "Be selfish with God - Psalm 139".

If you cannot, do not worry. We will post updates on this blog and would like to encourage you to comment on anything that is published here.

The topics of the subsequent sessions will be
  • Experiencing God in worship (7th of March)
  • Living God's values  (14th of March)
  • Serving God in the community (21 st of March)
  • 2017? (28th of March)

Monday, February 6, 2012

Welcome to the Vision 2012 blog.

If you have not filled in the questionnaire yet, please do so as soon as possible at

We will start analysing the responses soon. They will form the basis of the conversation in our Lent Course (details on the page above) and on this blog. Watch out for updates.

You are welcome to comment on everything that will be posted here.